Hey What’s Up?

I guess it’s okay to start this post with that because today is, after all, WHAT’S UP WEDNESDAY!! So what’s up, guys? How’s this new week going? I hope it’s swell and will continue to be so until the weekend.

So, just recently, a couple of friends and I were reminiscing about various events and then we came to the point of talking about how we are when we’re drunk– well, actually, more of how they are when they’re drunk. They shared how they become a singer, dancer–basically, a concert performer, and how some of them become very talkative, blurting out words of wisdom or random scientific discoveries nonstop; some as well become a hundred times humorous, others become depressed and will blurt out all of life’s worth of problems, most especially heartaches. (Can you relate to this?)

That conversation reminded me of the only time I got drunk– during my 20th birthday. (Yes, i know, wow, 20?). Anyway, that night of my birthday, my cousins and I had a couple shots of tequila. Fast forward, I got really drunk and that’s when I first found out that drunk me is always laughing– like really, whatever you say I will laugh at it even if it makes no sense. Right then, drunk us also decided to have a trip to Apo Island to tour my cousin from Manila. We only had the night to decide and plan for the getaway.

So, for the next day, we woke up at 6am. I only had four hours of sleep!! And my head was pounding so bad. Suffice it to say, I had my very first hangover at one of the most beautiful islands in the Philippines– Apo Island. Goals or nah? Hahah.


Only my cousin (with the brown shades) and I were inexperienced drinkers haha– We had our hangover at the island! It was amazing and awful at the same time. I puked in their public restroom with only little water available. And then I kept puking almost everywhere. Ugh.

I almost didn’t enjoy the whole getaway because of it, but at the same time, I found the experience unforgettable and worthwhile. I willed myself to just keep on smiling and to enjoy everything even if I was in pain. Ain’t gonna let this hangover ruin my vacay!

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We’re so excited to see the sea turtles!

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It’s my cousin getting a good shot with Mr. Sea Turtle here

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Bye bye, Mr. Sea Turtle! Thanks for saying Hi to us

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T’was an amazing time in Apo Island. Sad I lost a lot of photos from the trip, but I think these photos will suffice– hopefully! There is still a lot of wonder under Apo Island’s ocean– and land, of course– that I didn’t capture. But I hope that someday, you guys will have a chance to visit this marine-blessed Island. If you’re a beach bum and marine-lover folk, then this island should be on your bucket list!

Here’s a link to the Apo Island Website for more information. Apo Island ❤ 

Anyway, so that’s my not-so crazy little story about that one time I got a hangover. Really suffered another wave of hyper-acidity after that, but it was still really worth it. Totally one for the books.

Have a good week, guys!

(ps: most of the photos are grabbed from one of my cousins, because I’m pretty bad at capturing moments, esp during this trip)

Lots of love from your friendly probinsyana,


6 thoughts on “When In Apo Island

    1. Im really so thankful for her photography “skills” haha. Wouldnt be able to make this post without her help. It’s just recently that I realized that being a “blogger” will require you to capture every moment. I am still sooo bad at that, but i guess i have to really learn it the hard way.
      Anyway, thanks for reading this post! 😊

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